Production Module


With the Production Module, it is possible to follow all the company's production processes from the processing of raw materials to the delivery of the finished product. It is structured in several phases:

  1. Resources: manage the machinery used in the production phases
  2. Bill of materials: configure your products by linking the raw materials to assemble them
  3. Production cycles: define the various work phases and the related resource allocations
  4. Customer order: create customer orders from which to generate a work order
  5. Work order generation: manage work orders and automatically schedule your departments
  6. Processing: declare the produced pieces and the actual processing times
  7. Shipping: create delivery notes and related invoices at the end of the month
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Accurate planning based on production times

Accurate monitoring of the progress of work phases

Optimal use of production resources

Waste Reduction
Reduction of scraps, errors, downtime, and unnecessary movements

Real-time monitoring of raw material batches and inventory levels

Increased quality of service provided to customers

1. Resources

In the Resources module, it is possible to register the different machines used for processing each phase of production. For each resource, you can define a number of available hours per day of the week and any exceptional hours when the machine is not available (holidays, missing operator, repairs, etc.).

The hours and days of resource availability are used to automatically calculate the expected completion dates of the work orders (ODL) that will be initiated in production.

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2. Bill of Materials

Within each item, it is possible to build the bill of materials, linking the child items and the raw materials that compose it, in order to prepare for the production of the final item:

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3. Production Cycles

In this module, it is possible to define the various processing phases of a product, establishing the expected times. For these phases, it is possible to create revisions, allowing you to evaluate the production of the same item with different phases and times and choose the most advantageous ones.

There is no limit to the number of phases; the important thing is to enter the expected time as accurately as possible in order to correctly plan the production of the items.

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4. Customer Order

The customer order is the starting point for generating work orders (ODL). When a customer sends an order for an item, based on the requested quantities, it is possible to generate the ODL. If the quantity in stock is already sufficient, the generation of the ODL will not be proposed because the item will already be available.

Specifically, it is necessary for the item line to be confirmed and for a delivery date to be set, so that the ODL can be generated with an expected completion date. Backward, the start date of each phase will be calculated in order to also schedule each phase in sequence.

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5. Production ODL Generation

From Production → Generate ODL, you can view the ODLs to be generated following the registration of customer orders. You can check the lines of the items that need to be produced and from the group actions press Generate ODL:

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Once the ODL is generated, within Production → ODL, you can view the generated ODL with the expected raw materials and the planned phases. Additionally, based on the delivery day of the item to the customer, subtracting the delivery days, the various phases of processing are scheduled backward (Start date):

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6. Supplier Orders

In the Materials to Purchase module, it will be possible to view the items committed in the ODLs that need to be ordered to proceed with production, including the raw materials that make up a specific bill of materials if it is present in any work order.

It is also possible to view the items in stock that have a quantity below the set minimum threshold, allowing for bulk ordering by selection and clicking on Create Supplier Order.

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7. Processing

Following the generation of the ODLs, it is possible to view the planning of each department from the Production menu. Each department can view the list of phases to be processed organized by weeks based on the expected workload (working time + setup time per phase), compared to the resource availability time (configurable within the resources):

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It is possible to work on each phase only if there is sufficient raw material or if the previous phase has been completed or at least started. From this screen, the operator, the type of processing is selected, and the processing is started.

Once the processing is completed with Stop Processing, you will be asked for the number of pieces produced (which can also be manually modified alongside for manual corrections), and it will be possible to view the work sessions already completed for that phase. It is also possible to view any attachments of the item to be produced (technical drawings, photos, etc.) and the assembly instructions if provided (managed by a separate module).

At the end of each phase, it is also required to enter the location of the semi-finished product (or finished product) in order to maintain traceability of the processed material.

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8. Delivery

From the customer order, it is possible to create the transport document to deliver the order and the related sales invoice, thus accounting for the sale and concluding the production cycle.

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