

gestionale assistenza tecnica

gestionale assistenza tecnica
gestionale assistenza tecnica
gestionale assistenza tecnica

Module that allows you to graphically view economic and financial trends, with the ability to add data through forecasting.


How it works

This module allows you to graphically view economic and financial trends, with the ability to add data through forecasting.

Keeping track of income and expense flows has never been easier: the Budget module allows for detailed analysis of all scheduled incoming and outgoing payments, examining invoices, delivery notes, and orders both incoming and outgoing.

You can add custom queries to the module to better tailor it to your needs, as well as manually set deadlines.

Renewable annually✔️
Initial support for installation and configuration✔️
Annual assistance✔️
⚠️ In order to provide accurate and timely assistance, access to the management system and its related space via VPN will be necessarily required, otherwise it will not be possible to provide the requested assistance.