Service Request


gestionale assistenza tecnica

gestionale assistenza tecnica
gestionale assistenza tecnica
gestionale assistenza tecnica

The Service Request module allows the opening of service requests (tickets), their conversion into tasks, and tracking their progress in the client's area.


How it works

This module features two submodules:
  • Booking Calendar: View of scheduled requests on the calendar and the ability to quickly insert internal tickets
  • Service Requests: List of service requests opened by clients and from the Booking Calendar, offering the ability to create an intervention from these and then archive them in the Processed Requests section

  • Clients can open tickets and track their progress by accessing the management system in their client area.
Renewable annually✔️
Initial support for installation and configuration✔️
Annual assistance✔️
⚠️ In order to provide accurate and timely assistance, access to the management system and its related space via VPN will be necessarily required, otherwise it will not be possible to provide the requested assistance.