Supplier Reordering


gestionale assistenza tecnica

gestionale assistenza tecnica
gestionale assistenza tecnica
gestionale assistenza tecnica

Keep track of your stock and order the correct quantities of materials with a simple click!


How it works

This module features two sections:

  • Items to Order: A list of items or components that are part of a bill of materials for an item committed to customer orders but not available in stock;
  • Low Stock Items: A list of items present in quantities below the set minimum threshold that are committed in sales documents or are part of the bill of materials for an item involved in a sales document.
Renewable annually✔️
Initial support for installation and configuration✔️
Annual assistance✔️
⚠️ In order to provide accurate and timely assistance, access to the management system and its related space via VPN will be necessarily required, otherwise it will not be possible to provide the requested assistance.